Computer science

The Institute offers 4-year full-time and part-time undergraduate programmes leading to a B.Sc. (Eng.) degree.

Computer Science

            • construction and operating local and wide area networks
            • programming languages currently in use (C, C++, HTML, Java, Flash, Microsoft .Net)
            • using appropriate software and identify the needs of economic entities at pre-IT-implementation stages
            • employing software for creation of graphic and multimedia products
            • solving IT implementation problems of small and medium-sized economic entities by identification of their needs, designing, programming and testing computer systems.
            • knowledge of software tools:systems CAD/CAM - CATIA
            • system databases - SQL Server 2005, Oracle
            • multimedia software - Corel, Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, 3D Studio Max
            • knowledge of English


  • Computer systems and networks administration
  • Database design and application software
  • 3D modeling

Specializations are chosen after the second year of study.

The graduates will be specialists in design, construction and operating local and wide area networks as well as in programming in several programming languages currently in use (C, C++, HTML, Java, Flash, Microsoft .Net). Special attention is paid to the practical operation of computer equipment. Students' individual preferences for various types of software are taken into account with emphasis on adaptability to newly developed software and its upgrades. It is assumed that in their local communities the graduates will become the pioneers of social transformations based on universal access to information.

The graduates will be equipped with the knowledge and skills related to:


Due to the fact that the professional practice will take place in a typical business organisation, the students can learn the principles of market behaviour as well as incorporate their own ideas for improving the organisation's activity. Support will be granted to students' own IT enterprises.


The Institute of Applied Informatics provides also post-graduate courses:

  • IT for Teachers

Centre for IT Education 
The Centre for IT Education was founded in 2001 and its purpose is to run courses preparing for the ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) Examination. In 1996 implementation of ECDL was indicated to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe as one of the steps in adaptation procedures before joining the UE. The initiative was approved of by the Council of Europe and incorporated into the set of measures leading to emergence of the Global Information Society in Europe. The courses are offered to firms, students and residents of Elbląg and the region. 

IT skills trainings
The Institute of Applied Informatics provides also skills trainings, which are integrated with the study programmes or additional for students of other schools and for others eager to learn. CISCO Academy
Program Cisco Networking Academy that prepares for examination for Cisco Certified Networking Associate (CCNA).

  • Fundamentals of Unix - SUN Certificate
  • Fundamentals of Wireless LANs
  • Fundamentals of Java Programming
  • HP IT Essentials II.

Oracle Academy

  • Oracle Academic Initiative (OAI)

The Oracle Academy is designed to educate students on the fundamentals of database technology and to provide them with the necessary skills to pursue academic and professional opportunities. As an Oracle Academy student, you will design strategic applications to solve complex business scenarios and gain "real world" experiences. 

Microsoft Academy 
Authorized Academic Training Program (AATP)The State Higher School of Vocational Education in Elbląg is accredited Microsoft Academy enables students of all ages to develop skills and helps people and companies achieve their goals, from standardised assessment to establishing or enhancing IT careers. 

Courses are in three specialisations:
a. Engineer
b. Developer
c. Database 

